
KFTD Preventive Steps to Prevent Corruption and Conflicts of Interest

To create a strong commitment to become a company that upholds its Anti-Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism values, PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group conducts various ways by all parties within the company. Many preventive steps can be taken to avoid conflict of interest situations. Every company’s member can do the following:

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

Every person in KFTD professionally should avoid conflicts of interest in any form and professionally at all times prioritize the interests of the company above personal or other party interests. That is why it is very important for everyone to understand and comprehend the company’s policies and procedures.

Decision-Making Process

Every company’s personnel are prohibited from participating in the decision-making process if they are in a position that may lead to a conflict of interest. The reason is it may compromise his or her actions, judgment, and or decisions.

The Company’s Assets

Corporate members are not allowed to conduct transactions or use company assets for personal, family, or group interests. It may harm the profits and facilities of Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution.

Gifts or Benefits

It is outlawed to accept and/or give gifts or benefits in any form related to his/her position in the company. Giving and receiving gifts and benefits will somehow interfere with official performances.

Company’s Confidential Information

Not using confidential information and company business data for purposes outside the company. Giving out confidential company information will harm the company’s reputation and investors as well as customers’ trust.

Investment and Business Ties

Not making investments or business ties with other parties who have direct or indirect business ties with PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution. 

The Company’s Copyright or Trademark

It is prohibited to exploit and use the company’s copyright or trademark which could harm the interests or hamper the company’s development. Exploiting the company’s copyright should be conducted through a license agreement.

The above preventive steps will help KFTD foster a clean and transparent business culture free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism.